Wednesday 13 July 2016

Vividwireless - Wireless Internet REVIEW

Technology these days is relied on so much that I ask you this question… ‘If the internet was to stop tonight as you go to sleep and you wake up tomorrow with no connection to the social media world, no more online phone directories from a search, no more sending e-mails back and too for business purposes, how would you cope?’ or better still ‘would you cope?’

Most of us would have an internet line at home that allows us to run off wifi and it can become a busy little hotline working overtime when everyone gets home and is doing their daily social media scrolls, video watching, online gaming, blogging to name only just a handful of things.
In my household there are 4 adults and a child. All adults are in there 20’s so we are in the prime of using social media.
At any given day this is what usually happens over our internet connection:
  • Adult 1 – Computer; online games, video watching, downloading and social media as well as having a phone using social media.
  • Adult 2 – Laptop; blogging – uploading, social media as well as a phone using social media.
  • Adult 3 – TV; internet streaming through Netflix as well as a phone for social media.
  • Adult 4 – Xbox; online gaming, Netflix streaming and a phone for social media, video watching and live radio.
  • Child – iPad; video watching.
As you will have gathered, we are internet hungry. Without having a plan that allows us to have something unlimited we would be forever in debt of going over and having to buy extra data because I know the household depends on the internet that much that we couldn’t live a day without it.

What annoys me the most is the constant running of Ethernet cords through the house connecting to each of the adults who game online. Sometimes it feels like we have that many users connected to the internet that it just can’t handle us.

Vividwireless have changed the game when it comes to internet and those cords everywhere. Vividwireless require no phone line connection AT ALL, they provide you with up to 10 mbps download and 1 mbps uploading!
So… if there is no cord’s then how does it work? Well, you will be getting 4G LTE internet access with a wifi connection.

For our household the plans that come with an internet provider need to have the option of unlimited otherwise the heavy duty use of internet we require will just not cut it.  Vividwireless have a range of plans starting from $29 a month up to $89 a month for unlimited.

Who even needs to pay for a phone line now to be connected up just to get internet? Not Vividwireless that’s for sure.  
No need to wait either for ages to have a tech come around to install it all.. the setup process of Vividwireless is so super easy that I could direct my little Niah to get it all turned on for me. Simply plug the Vividwireless modem into power and wait till all those pretty bright lights come on and then you are roaring to go, ready to go within minutes to start browsing the web.
I’m not much of a tech savvy person so for me this was a really big plus to not have to read a million directions of instructions, call a technician to guide me or wait for a technician to come and install.
I have very little patience when it comes to those sorts of pesky things so I can really tell you now that it was a pure moment of #winning.
The only thing you will be required to do though is self-active the modem. 

The modem itself is a stylish little thing. Nothing massive and un-pretty that doesn’t go with the home décor being that it is white – it is a timeless easily hid or put out modem.
Should you wish to use cords you can connect four (4) ethernet cords into the back of the modem for that extra direct usage hit.

You can take the modem anywhere with you, so long as the address is within Vividwireless' coverage area being that it is portable you can take it with you where ever you go… on holidays, to work, the gym.. where ever you like as that’s the simplicity of the modem. No cords, no fuss - simply plug in and play. It’s almost like having a running mobile data hotspot connection as it can literally come anywhere with you until charging is needed.

How do you feel about Vividwireless now that I have told you all their stellar features? Keen to try the Vividwireless out for yourself?
You can purchase these directly from Vividwireless on the call centre: 1300 327 837, visit their website or pick a modem up from Harvey Norman and The Good Guys. The modem costs $199 if you are on a no-lock in contract, $0 upfront payment if you take on a 24 month contract.
Ensure you visit here to check that connection is available at your primary place of living.

Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Vividwireless and Kids Business. I was supplied a free month trial of the Vividwireless internet as media in exchange for its promotion here. I received monetary payment for this review/feature and all opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own. 

Sunday 3 July 2016

Sovereign Hill - Christmas in July Winter Wonderlights

Sovereign Hill, the living muesum in which transports you back to experiencing a life of the 1800s; has always been a much loved place of mine and to experience Christmas in July at one of my favourite tourism places has just topped the cake of it all.

Each June/July school holidays Sovereign Hill has been taking part in festivity activities to help celebrate a Christmas in July this year there was something extraordinary added to the festivities which is now presented as Winter Wonderlights; running from June 25th until July 24th.
There is no exact words that could ever describe to you how amazing the experience was of being in an atmosphere where life and time almost stops in front of you.

You are there with hundreds of other people, families of young and old come together, friends or partners who are all just tranced in this magical time when the make-believe snow goes off four times daily at 11:45am, 1:40pm, 3:45pm and 6pm on Main Street of Sovereign Hill.

I took a step back whilst holding my Niah in my arms and watched her as she had the most gorgeous smile on her face and eyes full of enjoyment as she was putting her hands into the arm to feel the snow the palms of her hands. I then looked around at every other person surrounding me to see the expressions of joy. I sound so cliché like but you could see pure happiness on everyones face, nothing else in the world was on my mind except for how I was just in love with where I was and to be enjoying the moment with my loved ones. Once we had come back to reality, we spotted St. Nicholas (Santa) wondering around with Mrs. Claus.

The main attraction falls when the daylight stops and when darkness falls at approx. 5:45pm, this is where you will see Winter Wonderlights appear. Main Street of Sovereign Hill will be lit up like Melbourne on White Night. The buildings will illuminate with bold colour, projecting the true self of the buildings facades but will also show phenomenal displays of festive decor that moves along on the buildings all happening whilst Christmas Carols or beautiful soft festive music is sounding in the background. Speedwell Street and Golden Point Road are covered in 'Santa lights or Fairy lights' whichever you may call them, outlining the schools and cottages.


We almost weren't going to stay for the Winter Wonderlights as I thought to myself being that Niah is only 2.5years old and it would fall into a period of where I would normally be getting her having dinner and then heading to bed soon after but I am sooooo glad we stayed. I had the most incredible time and only wish that I could have been able to take advantage of the two days for one offer they have where you can come back the next day for free as experiencing once hasn't got me content, I think I'll just move into one of the cottages there so I can experience it every night.

Other activities of the normal for Sovereign Hill run throughout the day where you can pan for gold, go on an underground mine tour, watch the handmade hard boiled lollies being made, see gold being poured which will make a $175,000 bar of gold, eat traditional made baked goods, try bowling the original way, make your own special candle via the candle dipping, watch soldiers fire off their muskets, take a wander through the cottages and schools set up as if you were back from the 1800s and many more things to enjoy. Read more about Sovereign Hill at my previous visit here.

Sovereign Hill's Christmas in July Winter Wonderlights is very much worth the drive out to Ballarat. A family pass will cost you $139 which caters for 2 adults and up to 4 children. With experiences and a list of things to do that are endless you can easily spend a good day out during these school holidays here.

Disclosure: This post has been made in collaboration with Sovereign Hill media agency. I received complimentary entry passes to Sovereign Hill in exchange for its promotion here. I received no payment for this review and all opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own.