
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Could it be twins?

My symptoms are still acting up which has caused me great confusion with not knowing if it was the gastro or it is in fact the morning sickness.. or should I say all day sickness. 
Everyone sugar coats morning sickness and believe me it shouldn't be. It's horrible.
I even joked to Daniel the other day about maybe we stop at 1 or 2 bubs - whatever is in my tummy as the pain is horrible. 

I'm still struggling to eat anything at dinner time now. Last night it was 2 pieces of garlic bread and a few pasta shells. I am completely of chicken right now, it just doesn't interest me at all. I felt bad for not eating though as Daniel was so lovely and cooked dinner all by himself - I love when he cooks for us. I guess who doesn't like their man cooking for them right?
My portion size of meals have gone way down in size as to what I used to eat and it's hard to find things that I would be able to stomach, its become quite a challenge. 

A lot of people have joked with us about having twins as my symptoms have been really bad. Twins do run in the family on both sides so could be. Daniel & I are both secretly wishing that we do have twins, which would be a handful but so worth it. Daniel & I even got into a mini disagreement as to how we would take care of them as well and they aren't even here with us yet which makes me giggle thinking back on it. 
Daniel's Nana told us she had a dream that we had twin boys - WOW! Twin boys growing us, think I would be given a real ride haha. 
The below photo that I came across when I googled images of twins in the womb and this picture just made me sigh in 'awh' - it's amazing. I know this picture below may not be completely real and might be a made up one but it sure does make my heart skip a beat to think that this could be what is inside me. 


Thursday, 24 January 2013

Not getting better :(

This pain in my stomach is horrible!
Everyone sugar coats pregnancy up until you push the bubba out - no one tells the first trimester killer pains at all.
It's become over 2 weeks that I've had this pain & I'm getting so confused between the gastro and pregnancy symptoms right now. I spoke with another lady whose pregnant and she straight away said pregnancy morning sickness.
I don't know what to do. I'm sick of feeling like this :(
I have what seems like huge gas bubbles in my stomach which I can hear pop constantly in my stomach.

I had several occasions of dashing for the toilets today to want to vomit but nothing but dry reaching again :(
I'm barely consuming enough food so I think to bring anything up. I struggle hard to take in any food usually after around noon.

Although Daniel & I have said we want 4 kids.. Golly gosh it makes me think about wether I want to go through all this agains Ahh think of the positives Nikita, think of the positives.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Vaseline Hydrating Lotion - Aloe Fresh


 Ahhh now this product is my daily cure and something to definitely brag about - there is not a day that goes past that I don't use Vaseline hydrating lotion.
This a first thing after washing my face in the morning and a last thing after washing my face at night and before I go to bed at night.

Vaseline Hydrating lotion also comes in handy throughout the day to refresh my hands, to rub on dry skin areas and even for those boo boos this is something that makes me feel better.

 I have been using this product daily now for what seems like forever. I don't ever remember using any other moisturizer to date.

Vaseline Hydrating Lotion has been there for me at my worst - SUNBURN. Vaseline Hydrating Lotion is the answer to your sunburn - it does what it has been named 'hydrate'. It really does hydrate your skin completely. Vaseline Hydrating Lotion has been my friend through a number of after sun trips.

You may be thinking - but I have sensitive skin.. how will I go. I have sensitive skin so this is definitely a highly recommended product to you. Vaseline Hydrating Lotion has not failed me at all, EVER.  
In fact I have got my family onto it - they're all users of Vaseline Hydrating Lotion now. 

Vaseline Hydrating Lotion has aloe, cucumber and vitamin E.
The pluses of the use of aloe in this product can assist in the aid of healing the skin. Aloe Vera is an anti-inflammatory agent that has the benefited effect of cooling the skin. Aloe provides a good pain relief.
Aloe Vera is a natural remedy and has been found in studies that for women who apply aloe vera on the skin before application of make-up can prevent the skin from drying.
They also state that for men - Aloe can be used as an aftershave product as its perks to healing can treat small cuts that are caused by shaving.
For those who are looking for something to really shine from Aloe read further:
- Aloe Vera is great for treating acne.
- Aloe Vera helps fight common problems of skin aging.
-Aloe Vera can lessen the visibility of stretch marks.

Moving onto the next mentioned ingredient - CUCUMBER.
Cucumber has said to have been the answer to happy skin. It helps to sooth and soften your skin which as your skin and the cucumber share the same level of hydrogen, it becomes easier for cucumber to mask all the problem areas. Cucumber has a cooling effect also like the Aloe Vera. Not only is cucumber good for your intake internally but its great for external use. 

What more could you want in a product that provides so much benefit to your skin with the 2 listed ingredients above??

Vaseline Hydrating Lotion is non greasy and quickly absorbed as stated on the bottom - I can not find any fault in that statement nor any fault within this product. 

Vaseline Hydrating Lotion comes in 3 sizes:
200mL: RRP: $4.99. 
375mL: RRP: $7.29. 
750mL: RRP: $10.99.  

750mL is my buddy who is on my bedside table and then I also always have a 200mL ready to go in my beach/overnight bag ready to go.
Vaseline Hydrating Lotion - Aloe Fresh can be found at most supermarkets and chemists/pharmacies.


I now leave you with a Vaseline statement as published on their website:
'Aloe Fresh Lotion awakens the skin with a sheer, light burst of hydration and quick-penetrating conditioners, leaving it smooth and refreshed.'

To check out the Vaseline range and for further information on Vaseline Hydrating Lotion - Aloe Fresh visit:

Pregnancy Symptoms & Sick

It has been a rollercoaster of the last week. From what I thought was just bad pregnancy symptoms turned into me having gastro. Being pregnant and having an illness that will last a few days is not nice.
I had from Friday to Tuesday off of work and to have also had my weekend spent sick was not good. Although on my birthday on Sunday I was kept busy with family to not think about it too much so that was a plus.
Monday I decided to go doctors as it wasn't getting any better and I thought it might have been something bad with baby. Doctor had a feel around of my belly and luckily it was too high in my stomach to be anything to do with baby. Docs said to be careful and aware of where the pain is as if it was to move lower then it would be getting close to baby and could lead to appendix issues. Doc put me on 2 different tablets to help with the gastro and not take any risks with baby in there. 1 tablet 3 times a day with all main meals and then the other tablet an hour after last evening meal to help acid in the stomach. Let's hope we get this cleared soon because it's a little concerning that I can't really tell the difference between the gastro pain and what would be my pregnancy pains :(

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Taste Buds???

Being pregnant has definitely made me discover that my taste buds are no longer the same.
Everything tastes so weird, things that I loved taste different now. Things that I never wanted to eat before I crave now. I just had what I would probably label the worst lunch to record - grilled fish and scolloped potatoes - Grilled Fish had this awful batter on it. Scollaped Potatoes tasted like they had coconut cream in it and also had what was kind of raw onion... Did not go down well at all.

I still have a lack in motivation and haven't cooked in what seems forever. It's bad as I'm eating take out foods nearly every lunch and dinner - VERY BAD for me although it hasn't been chips and burgers the whole time, its been proper food. It's bad also on the pocket and needs to stop but in a way I'm a bit scared to cook - I fear the smell of the meat cooking will set me off into a chuck contest against myself.

Speaking of vomitting - last night was the first upbringing I had. Maybe this was inflicted from what I actually had during the afternoon/night. Iced Coffee didnt agree with me that was sure but I had a craving - had to have it didn't I? I think I downed it within seconds.
The feeling after vomitting was amazing - I just felt such relief from my stomach to have brought up what I had that night. I slept so much better as well after having a chat with my best friend who advised me staying on your left side was just an old wives tale and that she is living proof that you can be on any side but maybe try to be on your left when your further along in pregnancy.
Woke up this morning also feeling good and refreshed but now that its mid afternoon I have hit what seems to be a massive tired down wall and won't be able to get to bed until late as I will be doing an RSA course tonight - not that it is going to be benefiting my job that I am currently in but I like to have extras on my CV.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Day 4 of sick feeling

This stomach pain can be so excruciating at times. I don't know understand how this can carry on all day. As soon as I wake up, in the middle of the day, end of day, before I go to sleep.... I googled it myself last night and saw all the negatives of it being ectopic pregnancies etc and started to scare myself.
Daniel being the goggle master he is had a search himself this morning and apparently it's completely normal as he saw feedback from yahoo questions that another lady got it all the time nonstop for the 3 months. Daniel also asked his mum. Who said that its signs of all the hormones and that it's a strong baby.
This little cherub that Daniel and I will be calling our son or daughter seems to like hurting Mummy :(

I didn't think it would be this much pain going through the first trimester. Couldn't we get cut a break seems we are going to push this huge thing out of us?

I've had my best friend on constant message dial asking a million questions and getting her advice on what I'm going through and confirming that everything is normal and what she experienced. It's really good to have someone who has recently had babies to give me the real story of it all and not sugar coat it for me like I have assumed it to be from everything they tell you.

My eating has just been bad and all over the place lately. Because of my sick feeling I don't really want to eat anything after I have lunch. For a split second it will change and ill feel like I can eat and then a second later I go back to feeling sick.
I have noticed that I've been wanting red meat more which I'm only usually a white meat eater with limited red meat intake.
As they say your body will tell you what it wants and I think sometimes I get confused with what I actually need and what I just feel like myself....

Monday, 14 January 2013

five:am - organic yoghurt


I recently discovered a new yoghurt which has made it's way to our weekly shopping list:

  five:am squeezy powerpak - banana 


Both Daniel & I are amazed at how the five:am powerpak banana yoghurt can taste so good with added acai and linseed.There was a few things that appealed to us when we came across five:am:
1. As I am now going onto 6 weeks pregnant I am trying to have as much natural/organic intake as possible.
2. The acai - which is a highly nutritious fruit that contains a stack of antioxidants. 
3. The linseed - high in omega 3 which is good for your hearts.
4. The packaging enables you to have this on the go - there is no need for a spoon, just rip the lid of and away you go. Would be good for those who run from meeting to meeting at work. 
5. Low Fat - I'm sure we are agreed with when we say if we can input something that will take a little less off those hips then we are all for it. 

Something that I personally really liked about this is the taste, I have always loved bananas but about 6 months ago when I started having stomach issues with food - bananas was something I cut out. With five:am's new powerpak banana yoghurt I can get to have banana back in my diet. 

We brought ours from Woolworths which retailed at $2.49 for a 200g pack. 
The flavors available in the squeezy range: vanilla, mixed berry, banana and blueberry.

As we grew to have this within our shopping trolley on a weekly basis we decided to try out some more of the brand - being pregnant means you have to limit your caffeine intake, I have taken this completely from my diet. I was a keen regular drinker of a iced coffee and being that I have taken this out of my diet I was a little sobbing kid when we walked past the ice coffee section at supermarkets... which lead me to trying their:

          five:am coffee bean smoothy

Let me tell you - this went down a treat!! It was smooth, it had a nice consistency of it still being a yoghurt based drink with the coffee taste in it. I liked that the coffee was also an organic mix and had natural flavours and color.  
It reads on the back 'our devine organic yoghurt smoothy...indulge without regret' This was without a regret that I purchased this. Allowing myself to have this as a treat and still get my coffee fix was a good decision made for this week. 

We brought five:am coffee bean smoothy from Woolworths for around $3.  

After further researching about five:am I found that they were a Australian owned and made company in Carrum Downs - I was intrigued as they are such a close local business to where I currently am residing part time in Mornington. I try to support Australian owned and made companies so that also came as a plus.

 Something I loved reading that ticked a lot of the criteria boxes for me that I have copied from their website below is:
'Our yoghurt is free from gluten, gelatine, preservatives and starches and has no artificial colours, flavours, stabilizers or sweeteners unlike other processed yoghurts. In fact, five:am has none of the fake stuff and a lot more real taste!' 

Interesting fact: five:am? (As taken from their website below):
'There is a philosophy for what we do - and we call it five:amness.
We believe you get a unique view of the world at 5AM - a sense of clarity rarely seen throughout the rest of the day.
True, many of us are still sleeping, but there are others who embrace this time as their own - to cycle, surf, do yoga or otherwise greet the new day with a purity of mind, body and spirit.
Our aim is to capture this 'five:amness' and bottle it - to allow you a 5AM moment of your own
- no matter what time of the day or night.'


To find out more about five:am and the great benefits you receive from their products take a look at their website: 


It's about Day 2 or 3 of feeling like crap. I think nausea has set in now, although I'm unsure. I just feel such a lack of energy, tired and just no motivation. When it comes to having to cook dinner or do any task other than being lazy and sitting/lying down I have no motivation for it.

The smell of meat at the moment is sort of turning me off... Well what I think is the meat smell. Had a Parma, chips & salad last night and it was either the tomato on the Parma or it was just the chicken but it tasted horrible. Had meatballs for lunch today and it didn't smell bad to me so I'm not sure what was the go with it last night.

On Friday the Monroe piercing came out and I left it out. Although I loved that piercing but it continued to fall out constantly and became a nuisance so when it fell out for about the fifth time of the day it stayed out. Not only for it being a pest but because I want to obtain more of a motherly figure now. I'm not saying that mothers shouldn't have tattoos or piercings etc as I have many tattoos of my own and piercings but I just feel that I had to give that one up.
I'm unsure whether or not it will close up completely as I know a cousin of mine had the same piercing took it out and it hasn't completely closed up on the front.

Next things to get rid of is my stretcher. From my teen high school days when stretching your ears were cool I became a follower of the trend and stretched mine to 10mm.
I was thinking of taking my nose ring out too but not 100% that I want to get of that one. I know bubs would probably latch onto it and rip it out from my nose on a daily basis so maybe that one should go too.... One step at a time maybe ;)

Saturday, 12 January 2013

First Scan Booking

I booked in for my first scan on Thursday - scan date: Monday February 11th, 2013.
That will be my 10 week period. I am unsure as to why my doctor has scheduled me to have a scan then as I thought that the first one was always at 12 weeks. The doctor I am seeing currently is about to leave and will leave the clinic in my 10 week period so maybe she wants to check up on me before I leave although it means I will be required to get another scan 2 weeks after possibly at my 12 weeks? It will be a cost at my pocket to get 2 scans so quickly so I'm unsure what I should do.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Good Night Sleep.. FINALLY

Well I feel like I finally got a good nights sleep - even though I went to bed late at like 10:30pm (that is late for me haha). Alarm went off around 6am and I was fine to wake myself up and get out of bed. felt amazing! Thank God for this cool weather change allowing Miss. Preggas to get to sleep haha.

I'm going to catch up with a good friend for lunch today who I will be giving my good news too... very excited to let her know. I love telling people and them get excited with me.
It's good to be able to share with people and talk baby stuff.

This weekend I will be able to tell 2 other close friends my news... these are probably reactions that I fear at the moment, they are close friends who will give it to me honestly so I know I will be hearing all my concerns out allowed. They will only do it for they care for me so need to not snap back.

Daniel has made such a good move all on his own. He applied for 4 jobs earlier in the week ALL ON HIS OWN - was sooo proud of him and... HE HEARD BACK FROM ONE!! Yay!
Although it is not him actually getting a job he was given an amazing opportunity by an agency to recieve a Cert 3 in Warehousing - free of charge and if he falls into the top 50% of the class he will recieve a forklift licence for free. Was even more proud of him when he told me this, so happy for him! It's amazing news for us - someone is definitely looking out for us!
Daniel goes into register for the course tomorrow and will be in course training all next week - takes 5 days to complete the course.
This will give us a real move especially for Daniel gaining all the knowledge and the agency who put him into this course asked him to get back in contact with them once he finishes the course. Plus side of that agency is that they are based in Derrimut so right near where we are looking to move over too. Well not looking, are going to move over too if we can secure a place.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

New Blogger with Loads to spill

So I have been currently using Wordpress but decided to change over to blogger to continue on with my blogging journey about my first time pregnancy!

I currently left of having these posts if you would like to have a read of the start of my blogging which got me to where I will continue writing....


It has been a crazy time for me that I just haven't been able to get online and right about my test results and how I have been. Well... The results came back on Thursday 3rd Jan - appointment time of 4:45pm - didn't get into 5pm but results are.... POSITIVE!

I AM PREGNANT.... 4 weeks preggas, 4 weeks up the duff, 4 weeks with a tiny soul growing inside me!!

It was then that I think I started to get the excitement that I was going to be a Mummy and Daniel was going to be a Daddy. Straight away I thought how will I tell people - I wanted to tell them in unique ways - My Mum was going to be the one I put most effort into as I know she has been waiting for this day for a very, very LONG time. She has longed to be a Grandma for as long as I can remember.

Daniel & I put our heads together and come up with giving her a card that said Congratualtions Grandma with a photo of my 2 positive pregnancy tests but it came the day that we were leaving for Mum's and we hadn't printed the picture so on our 1.5-2hr hike to Gisborne we came up with how to say 'We are pregnant' in the card and this is what we came up with...

A card that had on the front 'A new little grandchild for you to love and adore' reading inside the card 'Just what you've been waiting for Congradulations Grandma'.

Detailed in the card Daniel & I wrote as if it was from baby -

"Dear Grandma,

My Mummy and Daddy have known about me for a few weeks now but as of Thursday 3rd January, 2013 I was doctor confirmed that I would be gracing this world within 8-9months (I am 4 weeks old now).

I look forward to meeting you and the rest of my family (Grandad, Aunties and Uncles).

Love Poppy"

(Poppy is what we have nicknamed bubs as we found out about baby when he/she was that size)

Mum probably got half way through the card and looked at us saying 'Are you pregnant?' she started tearing up and I knew if I didn't look away from her I would do the same. Dad was in the room at the same time and we feared his response probably the most - he just asked how old I was and didn't say much but seemed to not be too concerned/upset about it. Later on he warmed to us talking about baby dos and donts but I'll write about that when it came into the news to the familia.

Mum was soooo excited for us that I have never seen her jump from her chair so quickly to want to go tell the kids that she is going to be a Grandma. She gave us a hug and kiss saying Congrats.

About an hour afterwards the brothers had gone out and all the girls just so happened to be in the living room with Mum, Dad, Daniel & I. I let Mum spill the news this time by saying 'Mum has something to tell you guys'. Mum turned to them all saying 'I'm going to be a Grandma'.

They all weren't sure if they were getting there legs pulled or what, Katt said she had a feeling I was pregnant as I had downloaded pregnancy apps (We use the same iTunes account and she has her iTunes on automatic sync so therefore anything I download from iTunes goes onto her phone also - I did try to cover my tracks saying I thought it was be a funny prank to download them hoping Tyler - Katts bf who also shares the same iTunes would get them on his phone but that backfired as he wasn't on autosync)

CherryLee was the one who gave the weirdest, yet funniest reaction - she screamed - I'M NOT THE FIRST ONE TO HAVE A BABY - BOOH YEAHHH and did this jump in the air and kicked her legs and what seemed like fist pump the air haha! (Mum always said that she thought CherryLee would be the first pregnant - mind you at current she is 16 years old.)

Tarmeka - the youngest sister of them all didn't say to much but later that night as we were in the car to go get me snacks as I was being little piggy with my food haha (which I am allowed to be with this pregnancy, well what I can try to get away with and blame anyways ;P) I asked her is she was excited to be an Aunty and she replied Yes with a smile.

Next in line to here the news was the boys - they had all been out taking my Uncle home so when they all arrived they all came into the kitchen where Daniel & I were. Mum followed the boys in and I let her spill the beans with 'I'm going to be a Grandma' again - the boys were happy, they don't show much emotion towards these things so it was a that's cool. Tyler said Congrats and had a feeling that I was as well as for the incident with the pregnancy apps that Katt told him about.

Mum & Dad chatted with Daniel & I later about baby things - and how to look after myself during pregnancy - one main thing that stood out that I will share is that they both were strong felt about having what I want when I want, to always eat what I am craving and never starve myself of what I wanted.

The next day we all went over to my Older brother's new house where my other older brother and sister were so was great timing to be able to tell them my news too.

All 4 of them were happy (2 older brothers, 1 older sister & older brothers gf) – they took the news well.

Next in store we had Daniel’s familia to tell…

Daniel’s Nanna was away in WA and arrived back last night so he was keen to tell them both his Mum who was collecting his Nanna and herself when they arrived back at home last night. It was about 1am last night/early morning and I woke to a full pregnant bladder and Daniel not being in bed thinking he had gone to take his protein shake ready for bed but I heard talking downstairs and knew I was needing to be down there soon…  As we are in a 2 story house they must of heard my footsteps to the bathroom and I heard someone coming up the stairs – I knew it would be Daniel coming to collect me to celebrate the news with them all.

His Nanna gave me a big cuddle and was having a brandy to say cheers to us. She seemed over the moon excited saying she would be a Great Grandma and they would have a baby smithy soon, she was telling us how she was looking at baby clothes with her friend when she was away and thought the baby clothes were all so cute but she didn’t have any babys in the family to buy for (well she does now hehe).

His Mum later came in from outside and gave me a hug saying congratulations and was saying she was going to be a Grandma – she didn’t seem as excited as Daniel’s Nanna but I think shock was sitting with her.

Daniel later told me that Courtney (his 10 year old sister) face expressions when he told them all that she was excited – eyes popping out of the head and saying she was going to be an aunty.

It makes Daniel & I feel so much better to have had so many positive reactions to the news.

We are just entrusting that the selected close family and friends we have told keep it hush hush in our first trimester period.

My current status of pregnancy feelings is:

-          TIRED

-          TIRED

-          AND MORE TIRED!!

I am just nothing but tired right now… All I want to do is get a good nights sleep which between this hot weather, tossing and turning to get comfortable whilst trying to be on my left side most of the time, working full time, trying to study 2 different courses and having a weak pregnancy bladder.

This heat has been driving me insane as I can’t get to sleep and then by night time I am cranky and poor Daniel cops it all. He’s been such a darling about it all though – he asked me Monday night when it was 30 something degrees what he could do to help – me in my cranky states tells him to do something about the heat of the room and weather temps (like there is much he can do).
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