Tuesday 4 March 2014

Australian Fitness & Health Expo + GIVEAWAY

Many of you may not know this but before I fell pregnant I was on a huge fitness journey - loosing 22kgs and then I just was lapping it up as an excuse that I was pregnant so I completely dropped my training - this was the worst thing I ever did because I am struggling to find my mojo back into my fitness again, it needs to come back ASAP as I'm also studying to be a personal trainer! 
I love going to Fitness & Health Expos because it gives me that motivation boost again to do better in my home life training. I'm very excited for this first time round in my hometown state Melbourne expo. 

For the first time, the Australian Fitness & Health Expo, the largest fitness & health event in the southern hemisphere, is coming to Melbourne and it will be one of the biggest Expos staged in its twenty-year history – in other words, this is a not-to-be-missed event on the 2014 calendar for those who love fitness.

In addition to the launch of the latest fitness equipment, fashion and classes, this year will see the addition of a number of fitness challenges and opportunities to participate along with new, high profile national and international sporting competitions that will run live at the Expo.

Whether you’re training for the next Spartan Race, thinking about a Paleo Diet, looking for a new fitness class or training for a triathlon, marathon or major sporting event, here are some of features at the 2014 Australian Fitness & Health Expo that are sure to raise your heart rate:

See it.
All of the major fitness and health brands attend the Expo to unveil their latest equipment and products. This is where fitness lovers get to see new gear and classes before they hit the shelves and the gym timetable. All the well-known and respected brands will be on show, including Lorna Jane, Reebok, Skins, Musashi, Garmin and Asics. Head to the Team Up Healthy Living & Endurance stage to hear training tips and advice from top coaches and athletes or watch a cooking demonstration from the Healthy Chef, Teresa Cutter. Wander the show floor to meet some of Australia’s top fitness celebrities.

Try it.
If there was ever a year to wear your runners and workout gear to the Expo, this is it. There will be plenty of opportunities to work up a sweat and even compete, if you wish. For the first time, Les Mills will be running free 45-minute group fitness classes at the Les Mills Stage. Participate in Body Pump, Spin, Combat and Attack classes plus their newest class led by celebrity instructors. If you’re feeling like a little competition, you can try qualifying for the Fit Bloke or Fit Chick challenge held in The Arena, a purpose-built Crossfit competition zone complete with stadium seating. There will also be a series of endurance tests taking place around the Expo, including the Versa Climber Challenge, if you want to test your fitness level and compete for great prizes.

Live it.
The vibe at this year’s Expo will be electric with a number of high profile sporting competitions taking place live on the Expo floor across the three days. These will include:

·       The Victorian Jiu-Jitsu Championships run by Australian Federation of Brasilian Jiu Jitsu in the MMA Arena. Over 1000 athletes are expected to compete.
·       Australian Boxing Championships run by Boxing Australia.
·       Natural bodybuilding competitions run by the International Natural Bodybuilding Association. Over 500 bodybuilders will compete.
·       International Pacific Powerlifting Invitational, reserved for the strongest men and women in the world, including current Superheavyweight World Champions, to tackle all-time records.
·       Australian Raw Powerlifting Championships.

The Australian Fitness & Health Expo will be held April 4-6 at Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre. The expo is open from 9.30am – 5.30pm daily with Friday open to only those who work within the fitness and health industry. For more information visit www.fitnessexpo.com.au and follow Facebook and Twitter for updates on features and celebrities.

General visitors can pre-book tickets online to avoid the queues – cost is $30 for a one-day ticket. If you work in the industry, it’s free to enter on Friday if you pre-register online, or pre-purchase a weekend pass for $20.

NJT Blogger is running a giveaway for 1 lucky reader to win a double pass for the expo.
When: Valid for either Saturday, April 5th or Sunday, April 6th (your choice).
Enter form below to win this double pass valued at $60:

Giveaway closes - Monday, 24th March at midnight!


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  2. I'm meeting my friend there and can't wait to see the stalls!

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