Tuesday 17 June 2014

Bakers Delight - What tea time means to me

I was questioned - What does tea time mean to you?

Tea time for me, means being able to enjoy a few moments to reflect on my day and allow myself to be able to rejuvenate and refresh myself for the rest of the day I need to tackle with a very busy little 9 month old. 


Niah was teething heaps in the last few weeks and it really had me up at all hours of the night as the poor darl would wake in pain and on top of that was sick for a long period of time with a runny nose so I found that I would be needing a rest in the afternoon and I know that is I was to take a nap I would not be able to sleep at night time so I needed to find another way to ensure I could conquer through the rest of my busy days, that's when I made a stand and I would pop Niah into her highchair, give her some little tea time too. Giving Niah a drink of water and some crackers whilst Mumma sat at the kitchen tea with her gorgeous Cristina Re cup and saucer sipping on a Green Tea with Pomegranate (hot drink of choice and especially in these colder days ahead), flipping through some mags or having a little chit chat with Niah - not that Niah can talk back to me but I am happy to take her baby chatter

Enjoying my Green Tea with Mandarin & Orange in my Cristina Re cup!
Being a Mum it's important to have some rest time as is it for anyone else to bring yourself back to full life. 
If you aren't having these breaks, then do - It just makes you feel so much better afterwards!

Some favourites for tea time!
Now I question you -
What does tea time mean to you?

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