Saturday 8 November 2014

Homedics NEWA skin rejuvenation system + GIVEAWAY

Recently I attended the launch of the newest beauty product from HoMedics which are welcoming NEWA - skin rejuvenation system under their wing.
For me I didn't know if this product would be for me because it was about wrinkles and skin tightening which had me thinking it's for older woman, but then after hearing the HoMedics team tell us more I soon found out that it can work as a prevention for when I start to get older.
I hate the thought of growing older and having bad skin, I have been pretty blessed with not having to deal with much acne through puberty and to think that my skin which is mostly clear now will have to go through all that in years to come definitely had me ready to give up 24 minutes of my day to prevent it.

What is Newa and what does it do?
  1.  Immediate lift and radiant look 
  2.  An average of 36% and up to 45% wrinkle reduction after 12 weeks treatment 
  3.  Long term results - Skin is lifted and tightened 
  4.  Easy to use - only 24 minutes per treatment (full face) 
  5.  Suitable for all skin types 
  6.  Highest safety standards 
  7.  Pleasant experience, feels like a warm massage Powered by 3DEEP professional salon grade technology 
In a nutshell; Newa is a handheld device that you can use at home that basically gives you a more younger looking face and helps fight off wrinkles, fine lines and helps to produce collagen in your skin again.

In tech talk; Newa helps to reactivate your skins natural ability to produce collagen.
Which we all know that collagen is what gets your skin looking plump and lifted and reduces the wrinkles and fine lines we get as we get older and age around the eyes, face and neck areas.

With the aid of 3DEEP professional salon grade technology which penetrates deeply into the skin controlling the power and depth of the RF energy delivered compared to other treatments which don't have the same effect.

Newa light upon 4 min timer completion

Where do I use Newa?
Newa is aimed to be for the 3 areas which you will do one area in each sitting:
  • Upper cheek - just under the eyes
  • Lower cheek - above the jawline
  • Lower jawline and neck area. 
The beautiful thing about Newa is because you have this system at home with you - you can do all the areas at once in the same sitting not expecting to walk about with a hefty bill to pay. Do all the areas at the one session or do one, its up to you. Each area will need 4 mins of treating so a 24 minute in home treatment to do all areas at once.

The question was asked - 'Can I use the Newa in other places?' of course most of us will be thinking yes bottoms!! although you can use wherever you like, Newa is not designed for those areas and has not be tested for result proof that it will work on those areas.

Newa Active Tips

How do I use Newa?
Newa is an electrical machine which will need to be used whilst near a powerpoint so you can operate.
Ensuring that you have a clean dry face free of makeup, jewellery and hair so you can get right onto the skin area you will be treating. Apply a good dose of the activator gel over so you are completely covering the Newa active tips, then start to spread the Newa onto your targeted skin area in a circular motion; as mentioned above you will spend 4 mins on each area -   a total of 24 mins if you are doing all 3 divided face areas.

Newa with the Activator Gel on
What were my impressions on the first few days of the using it?
I kid you not I was a little scared - simply because it was a new product and it will generate heat onto my face but fear not as it doesn't hurt at all. You can control the heat and have it at a level of your own liking whilst treating. It does make your skin a little warm but it's not too warm that it makes you uncomfortable.
There is a level 1 setting and level 2 setting so if you are feeling that level 2 (the maximum setting) is too hot for your skin then you're able to turn it down to level 1 to better suit.

Did I mention pain free? I haven't had any laser or botox sessions before but I have heard they can be painful so Newa is your sidekick if you want to get rid of those problem areas on your face.

I like how small and easy it was to use. Having a small handheld device that freely glides around your skin as you move it around in circular motions.
The Newa times itself which is such a fabulous innovative idea that doesn't need you to have to set a timer or watch the clock, once 4 minutes is up the Newa will vibrate and turn into a solid blue light rather then the green flashing or solid color you will see turning the application.

When I was in my first few treatments I would lock myself away and place myself in front of a mirror to know where I was going and what I was doing but once I got the hang of it I was back to the multitasking mum self again and was doing it as I was with the family without a mirror - it really goes to show how simple and easy it is to use!

After the treatment your treated area will had a bit of redness to it and feel heated for about 10 minutes and then your skin will go back to normal.

My skin has started to feel more firmer and I am feeling a little tighter in that area of my face. I have high expectations for the Newa with seeing results in such a short time period.

Newa in action on the upper cheek area

Where can I buy Newa and what is the price?
Newa is available in The Shaver Shop for $499.
Included in with your Newa purchase is 1 tub of activator gel. Each activator gel can be purchased at $59.95.
I know you may look at this price and think wow, thats really expensive and I can't afford that but it if you really think about it and work out the maths of how much it would cost for numerous amounts of beauty treatments that are done by others in the salon, the travel time and costs back and too - the Newa certainly works out much more cost effective for you.
You can be in the comfort of your own home and take your time to understand what you are doing.

After Newa treatment redness

Newa are convinced that this product will work for you and if you find after 60 DAYS - that you are not seeing happy results to the Newa then you can take back your device for a money back guarantee!
What have you got to lose? Nothing but wrinkles or fine lines or an aid in prevention!!

This has been my trial and thoughts for the first 15 days of using Newa and I will report back in on days 30-40 with my final review and thoughts but in the meantime I will leave you with a little GIVEAWAY from HoMedics to keep you going until my new post.

HoMedics have given me a pack to giveaway to one lucky winner.
HoMedics Gym Essential Pack valued at $49.95 
Pack contains: 
A travel hairdryer, an FM radio/pedometer, a pair of ear buds and personal towel

Simple entry points via the Gleam form below:


  1. Drinking plenty of water, exercise, eating healthy and using anti-ageing products help me stay young.

  2. Running 5k every week and eating lots of green vegetables ,fruits and by staying away from processed foods.

  3. Think positive and stay young in heart, eat healthy food and ensure drinking enough water daily.

  4. Being with my young son. His youthful energy and positive outlook make me happy and bring out my playful side.

  5. Lather your skin with sunscreen to avoid looking like an old bag in your 30's.

  6. My sense of humour....never, ever lose your sense of humour & you'll avoid being one of "those" cranky old people

  7. Keeping active with my family and laughing

  8. My partner. He's loving, attentive, funny and makes the wildest suggestions!

  9. Staying out of the sun

  10. Filling your life with MUSIC... It lifts the heart and gets those good hormones circulating!

  11. Smiling and laughing. Good friends and loving family, keep me young !!

  12. My children keep me young!! life is good .

  13. My teenagers keep me young, when they're not making me old before my time, that is. I figure, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em... it drives them crazy!

  14. Keeping yourself motivated and happy, plus with kids, every day there is something fun to do that takes you back to your childhood :)

  15. forgetting what year I was born in...if you have to think to work out your age...then you are not going mad but going young

  16. Stay hydrated, laugh lots and spending time with loved ones.

    I do not have an Instagram account.

    1. Also, please refer to Facebook's policy with regard to Like-gating. I have adhered to this policy with regard to visiting pages. I have not liked the pages in compliance of Facebook's policy.

    2. Hi Caroline,

      Thank you for advising that and your entry.

      As stated in terms and conditions of my Gleam giveaway entry form it states 'This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.'
      This is put there for that reason of like-gating from Facebook's policy.

      As also stated you do not need to enter at all entry form points but the more entry points completed the higher chance of winning as your name is entered into the draw a few more times.
      I have put this down as an entry as it will also allow you to be able to follow my blog closely and be updated with new posts and giveaway so you never miss out.

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