Wednesday 24 June 2015

ABC Kids New Release Titles - The Wiggles, In The Night Garden & Hoopla Doopla + GIVEAWAY

Children learn many things through watching TV and there is some great programs out there that are pretty educational for our darlings. Many shows are teaching your children songs, actions, words and much more. 
I won't lie, the TV is always on in our household. Not because I stick Niah in-front of the TV constantly but because it's background noise we have accustomed too. We always are playing the kids channel and Niah will be busy playing along with her toys and such but will then stop for breaks to be front row view of the TV when a favourite show of hers comes on like some of the below titles.

Children get attached to characters they see in shows and sometimes that's the only show they want to watch so when DVD titles are released with Niah's favourite we do like to make sure we get our hands on a copy of the release, which also makes for a great thing to have in the car should you have portable DVD players. 

RRP $19.95

Enjoy over 40 songs and segments with The Wiggles as they put up a 140 min DVD for your children to sing and dance along too. The high energy of The Wiggles always brings excitement to little Niah.
There was only a few songs that actually were along the fruit side unfortunately. I would have thought that this release would have been all things fruity but none the less The Wiggles still provide you with much entertainment.Special features include some wiggly bloopers and a photo gallery.

(Exclusive to ABC Shops and Centres) 
RRP $14.95

The most interesting characters that have names that will make you go 'what?, who?' when you first hear about In The Night Garden but super cute when your child says them. Niah is pretty good with her pronouncing of her favourite Makka Pakka character from the show.
If you have never experienced In The Night Garden before this is a show that will have the characters speaking in a language only known to the show with a voice over narrator for translation and story telling. Rhymes and music will be shared. Featuring 7 episodes for your child to enjoy.

RRP $14.95

Boy was I glad to receive a new Hoopla Doopla DVD as the first release was on nonstop play. Every second you would hear Niah say 'Hoopla, Hoopla'. Hoopla Doopla I'm sure got majority of their YouTube views from little Niah. If we were in the car, Niah would have the iPad or iPhone streaming Hoopla Doopla and at home we had the DVD or Foxtel shows on record.

Hula Hoopla DVD brings brand new episodes in which the main feature is that the town all have hula hoops except for Zap (one of the colourful characters) and he has some trouble with trying to get his hula hoop to 'hula'.

One lucky reader will be able to win themselves all 3 of the above titles mentioned in this post for your child thanks to Roadshow Entertainment and NJT Blogger collaborating for this special giveaway. 

Simple entry form via rafflecopter below. 
The more tasks you complete the higher chance of winning.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway ends: Tuesday 14th of July at midnight.
Winners will be drawn: Wednesday 15th of July
Winner will have 24hrs to contact back otherwise redraw will occur.

Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Roadshow Entertainment. I was gifted the above DVD titles in return for its promotion here. I received no payment for this review and all opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own.


  1. Peppa pig because they are such loveable and cheeky and always a favourite in my household:)

  2. Bananas in pyjamas! My daughter loves how rat always gets in trouble hehe!
    Ying Ying Tan -

  3. My son is a huge Wiggles fan. Has loved them since he was a baby.

  4. Peppa Pig seems to rule our TV

    Rosalie Bernacki

  5. Rhonda M Phillips25 June 2015 at 11:59

    Definitely Peppa Pig!!

  6. We love all of them,
    but Thomas is the best.
    The Wiggles and Thomas,
    pass my little people test!!

  7. Thomas the Tank Engine
    For my train-obsessed little man,
    He plays Thomas, he dreams Thomas,
    And watches Thomas whenever he can!

  8. Hard to pick just one my son loves The Wiggles and Peppa Pig

  9. Definitely In The Night Garden! We all love it!

  10. Peppa Pig

  11. My daughter loves in the night garden she loves push daisy

  12. Fireman Sam gives them the giggles
    But favourite show is still the Wiggles
    Singing, dancing and lots of fun
    Big red car is still their number one

  13. Love Ben and Holly's, Love calling out constantly "I'M A BANANA" in wise old elfs voice. I think the boys think I'm weird but for now they laugh....

    1. My name isn't actually anonymous, It's Ben (Bunna Bee).

  14. My little miss 2 years old is in love with the Wiggles anything Emma is a huge hit in our house

    saekae at bigpond dot net dot au

  15. My kids love The Wiggles, they can't get enough of them!

  16. It changes daily. Octonauts and Ben and Holly are always high on the list though!

  17. peppa pig is our favourite here :D

    L. Budge

  18. The Furchester Hotel is a favourite of my 19 month old. He dances and sings to it every time he hears it come on.

  19. We all love the wiggles thanks .

  20. My sanity is thankful for Playschool! Entertaining, not repetitive and fun!

  21. Thomas used to toot their horn but now Play School has opened up their world!

  22. Is there any other show than "PEPPA PIG" the excitement when Peppa comes onto the Television.

  23. We love The Wiggles!! We love their lives shows, they are awesome.

  24. Seasame Street as it been around through Generations

  25. Peppa Pig is met with cheers and giggles when it's on!

  26. Definitely The Wiggles! My son loves it so much! He loves to sign along with wiggles.

  27. Playschool - it was my favourite and now my little ones adore the variety.

  28. old school but pingu was and is a huge hit

  29. Giggle and Hoot - every time Jimmy Giggle or Hoot start talking she drops what shes doing and stares at the tv. It's gorgeous.

  30. Charlie & Lola are the favourite! The anticipation is Real!

  31. The Wiggles have Miss 2 captivated while this mummy enjoys a cup of tea in peace.

  32. BAA none, it’s Shaun the Sheep! He’s EWEnique and keeps us all smiling with his antics on the farm. Wonders will never FLEECE!

  33. Peppa Pig,,,it's snorts and giggles here from sunrise to sunset!

  34. My boy loves watching Shaun the Sheep, which always makes him giggle.

  35. Thomas the Tank Engine- boys are addicted!

  36. Christopher Arthur14 July 2015 at 17:09

    Giggle & Hoot is my households favourite show :)

  37. The adorable show Paw Patrol is definitely a favourite! Big grins are worn as it comes on, with kids racing into the lounge room when they hear the theme song.

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