Monday, 5 August 2013

BYS Velvet for Nails


BYS has released its third instalment for the 3D DIY manicure kits - BYS Velvet!!

Now if you want something that takes you back to those childhood days then I definitely think you should give these a go, this reminds me of those grow your own tree crafts we had as kids and you watch the floss grow on the tree... well it feels and looks like that! Or its like having candy fairy floss stuck to your nails (that makes me want actual fairy floss now, pregnancy cravings sorry).
Its very weird feeling this fluffy thing on your nails but at the same time it feels nice and I can't stop rubbing my finger tips over it, its like teddy fur on your nails. It's definitely something different. 


It's a little hard to get the velvet from the little pot container they put them in unless it's your pinky or you are doing these for your kids who have the tiny fingers. Once you have got the velvet onto your nail it kind of just fluffs up. 

I gave my hands a few washes after applying velvet to the nails and I was so surprised that it actually stayed, I looked at my nails before washing and thought nope this isn't going to stay but it did. 
It did unfortunately loose a bit of its thickness but at least it didn't completely wash off. 

Next day shoot of BYS Velvet
The next day when I re-evaluated my nails the velvet touch had completely gone and has left some hairy looking patches but its not felt by touch. It's kind of looking a mess the next day and not so attractive at all. 


BYS Velvet for nails comes in 12 jewel toned colours as shown above (colour list below are not in order to colour picture above):

  1. Berry Basket
  2. Emerald City
  3. Bow Peeps Sheep
  4. Suede Shoes
  5. Fur-ightened
  6. Pillow Talk
  7. Eye Of The Tiger
  8. Pink Frosting
  9. Magic Carpet
  10. Smurfs Up
  11. Cloud Nine
  12. Fluffing Duckling

I tried out the Pink Frosting which is second from the left. Hot Pink isn't my usual colour choice on nails but to have this as a feature nail really makes those nails pop. 

BYS Velvet for nails comes as a complete kit and includes a nail polish, a pot of velvet and a finishing brush to polish off the look.


BYS Velvet is a 1g velvet pot and 14ml nail enamel with RRP $7.95.

You can pick yours up at K-Mart, Gloss Accessories, Cosmetics Plus, selected pharmacies and speciality stores or online through or for more stockists call (03) 9951 4666

1 comment:

  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    i have the black, purple & pink one. found it very hard to dip my nail into the pot too. i ended up with black velvet all over my bedding hahaha.

    loved your review!


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