Friday, 25 March 2016

Hans Oliving Lunch with the Hewitt's

Lunch with the Hewitt's? Yes, you read that correctly. NJT Blogger was invited along to have lunch with the powerhouse couple.
It's not everyday you see an invite come across your inbox asking you to attend a lunch with Bec and Lleyton Hewitt and all for celebrating them as ambassadors for Hans Oliving.


I first came across Hans Oliving when I was at a Kids Business event up in Sydney where I first came across the Oliving range being a healthier alternative of using olive oil in the deli meats and from then I have sworn by using Hans Oliving.
Our homemade breakies with bacon has never been more delicious and less of a guilt free feeling.
Little Niah even enjoys the bacon more then the normal bacon that is available in stores.

Hans Oliving range is moving more into a Mediterranean diet where they use more olive oil and less animal fat and for any lifestyle this is a win.

Walking into this beautiful home in Brighton we were greeted with a large array spread of the Hans Oliving range in different meals for us to enjoy. It really got me thinking oh I can do that myself at home and yup that's a good idea so it left me feeling keen to get into the kitchen to create new things for the family.


During the lunch with Bec & Lleyton Hewitt, Bec made us a beautiful salad with the Hans Oliving Smoked Ham with some fig, buffalo mozzarella and some other bits and bobs, it was done within like 3 minutes easily and was a complete fresh, healthy and super easy meal that really made me re-evaluate those moments that I say to myself I really don't want to stand around for 20 minutes making dinner.


Lucky me got to meet with Bec & Lleyton where I interviewed them with a few questions that I thought I could take on board as much like myself I am a super busy person who is time poor with being a Mum and working full time as well as doing many other things outside of work.

Bec Hewitt commented that being organised is such a key thing, spending time at night to prepare for the morning is something that helps being healthy and also saving time in the morning should something happen.

Meal prepping wasn't something that the Hewitt's tend to do as they prepare fresh and have key variety menu options that they more forecast for the week giving them a rough idea of what they might have.

Easy was something the Hewitt's do for there kids, but when I say easy it wasn't going through drive through or picking up some frozen dinners to heat up. The Hewitt's get creative, get fresh and love to get the kids involved so they can have fun foods to eat.
Cracker towers were a favourite where they would have crackers, cheese, ham etc and stack them up how they like. Anything on skewers the kids would love where they can make patterns with food and it makes eating exciting for the kids.


I asked Lleyton if he had to have a special diet plan whilst playing tennis as it's something I am always keen to know the insides to athlete's diets. Lleyton advised he did but it was more knowing what you can and can't eat, being that he was on auto pilot during playing he more so has to watch what he is eating now due to not be on the court constantly.

Bec commented that they love the pizza salami and the ham so they can make homemade pizzas where Lleyton loves the twiggy sticks.
For me I am a sucker for the bacon and the salami's as well.



Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Hans Oliving. I was kindly invited along to the media launch lunch event with The Hewitt's in exchange for its promotion here. I received no payment for this review and all opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own.


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