Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Crayola Color Alive REVIEW

Crayola has been around for many, many years and is a fond memory of my childhood and what I would use when getting all artist with my drawings whilst being a kid.
The innovation of all the new market products that have been released from Crayola just grab you at how they come up with these ideas. They keep the experiences lasting longer whilst a new notch to it.


Recently we were sent out Crayola's new Color Alive products in which you are able to have a normal everyday coloring book that you would color in as per normal once again but then once you have completed your color in this is where 'Color Alive' happens.


Alongside with the Crayola Color Alive color in books you will need to download their app from your app store (Downloadable from iOS, Windows and Android). Once your color in has been completed you then enter into the app you will need to make your selection of which color in book you are working from, in which you will then place the camera onto the color in page - scanning the image and then seeing where 'Color Alive' comes into play.

Either of two things can be done once you have scanned your image:
- Special effects - Parts of your creation will start glowing, twinkling, flashing or moving about on the screen.
- 4D - See your creation come alive from the book page in a full 360 degree angle with audio sound back from the characters happen in front of your eyes.

The 4D view was our personal favorite with lots of laughs shared and eyes gazing at what was happening, even us 'big kids' where entertained for quite some time.


Every custom you have made to the color in which show, whether you wanted Elsa from Frozen to have a pink dress rather than a blue one you can make this happen through Crayola Color Alive.

Crayola Color Alive books retail for an inexpensive price of $7.99 each, the app is free to download and you will have hours of entertainment with 16 pages to be colored in till your child's heart is content in each book.
Each book comes with a set of 7 crayons each (other crayons can be used as well) inclusive of a special crayon to each book which is a new color to Crayola unlocking virtual effects.


Crayola Color Alive would be the perfect kids entertainment on any day even though car trips where you will be on the road for a while.
There are four books in the Crayola Color Alive range and sure to be something to please everyone from Enchanted Forest, Marvel Avengers, Disney Frozen and Mythical Creatures.


Disclosure: This post has been made in collaboration with Nuffnang and Crayola.  I received the above pictured the range of Color Alive books as above mentioned in exchange for its promotion here. I received no payment for this review and all opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own.


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