Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Day 9 - Maxine's Shape-Up Challenge

A few hiccups in my gym training occured last week which saw me miss 3 days out of the week to train.

I'm getting bored of my current gym workouts and the base training of a full body workout in the challenge and I don't think it's enough for me so I have been adding in bits and pieces that are more tailored to me and to push myself into my current fitness levels.

I've been watching youtube videos and reading up on others exercise programs and getting some new ideas to put into my workouts at gym.

Last night I went into gym with a friend and spent a good long session with her doing cardio and then weight into some weights. I felt really good with my workout last night and satisfied that I had pushed myself through the workout with minimal breaks.

I upped the weights in my normal exercises and upped the steps, I felt amazing.

This morning I returned to the gym for only a short 20 min workout as my little girl slept in so we missed half of the childcare session so I'm keen to get into a harder workout tomorrow as tonight we are busy with an event.

My diet went a little off plan on Sunday night where I decided to have a cheat night - pizza and garlic bread with a glass of coke went down and then I just felt so blah afterwards. My body was like rejecting it and I felt horrible.

Yesterday was a tough day with everything catching up with me and I had a little emotional eat with some corn chips and once again felt horrible and was annoyed with myself but today has been better. I really need to clean up and be more strict on the diet and exercising to really gain results and get myself into a good routine.

Last night I tried to have kangaroo for dinner - never had it before and wanted to eat it for the benefits of the protein but it just would not cook properly after nearly half hour in the pan and 20 mins in the oven. I'm a completely cooked almost burn kind of steak girl so to have it still bloody and rare it was a big turn off. I asked on social media tips on how to have it but most said it's more a rare type so that doesn't help but I have been told the slow cooker is a good way to do it so I guess I'll give it one last try before I cross it completely of the list again.

Follow my journey on Instagram: @njtblogger


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